Browse items for sale - Open bidding

Location and Contacts
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The exact location of this sale could not be determined. Please contact the GCSurplus Divestment Officer for more information.

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Payment and Removal
The Purchaser agrees to make any payment requested (see available payment options) by the Minister within business days from the date of such request and prior to removal of any of the property.
The Purchaser, upon acceptance of this offer by the Minister and after payment in full has been received by the Minister, shall at their expense, pack, load and remove the property by the date indicated on the bill of sale or, if no date is shown, within business days after the date the bill of sale is issued.
Sales Clauses

This sale is subject to all of the clauses outlined in the GCSurplus

General terms and conditions A , unless General terms and conditions B are cited.
The Purchaser must also pay particular attention to the following clauses.
Clause No. Description

All sales are final. No purchased Goods may be returned and no requests for reimbursement in whole or in part will be accepted.


In accordance with the Medical Devices Regulations and Health Canada's Guidance on Medical Device Establishment Licensing, the Purchaser of this medical device must be one of two of the following individuals: one who is purchasing this medical device for his or her own personal use (including use within his or her household); or, exceptionally, the Purchaser can be a business that is purchasing this medical device for use by its employees during work activities (e.g. first aid kits, disposable gloves) as long as the Purchaser is not in the business of offering health services to its employees or other individuals.