Register for GCSurplus
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GCTransfer functionality
The Directive on the Management of Material encourages the reuse of surplus assets by making them available to other federal departments and agencies before disposing of them outside the federal domain.
GCTransfer is the Government of Canada’s online platform to post, view and transfer assets within the federal domain. Material managers or material management practitioners are responsible for posting items on GCTransfer and approving transfer requests.
All members of the federal public service who have a valid Government of Canada email address can register to view and request assets posted on GCTransfer.
Register for GCTransfer and sign up for GCTransfer notifications to find out when new items of interest are posted for transfer.
If there is no request to transfer the asset, it will be released to GCSurplus for sale.

- Charitable or non-profit organizations
- The United Nations
- Treaty organizations of which Canada is a member
- Other national governments
- Indigenous Peoples (groups/communities/institutions)
- Other levels of government in Canada
Previous Registration
A previous cancelled registration exists for this email address
Click here if you would like to re-activate this registration
If you want to proceed with the current registration, click on the "Finalize" button below