Browse items for sale - Closed bidding

Location and Contacts
Location of asset(s):

The exact location of this sale could not be determined. Please contact the GCSurplus sales rep for more information.

Arrange viewing with the contact below
Contact :

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GCSurplus sales rep:

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Sale account:
Lot number:
Payment and Removal
The Purchaser agrees to make any payment requested (see available payment options) by the Minister within business days from the date of such request and prior to removal of any of the property.
The Purchaser, upon acceptance of this offer by the Minister and after payment in full has been received by the Minister, shall at their expense, pack, load and remove the property by the date indicated on the bill of sale or, if no date is shown, within business days after the date the bill of sale is issued.
Sales Clauses

This sale is subject to all of the clauses outlined in the GCSurplus

General terms and conditions A , unless General terms and conditions B are cited.
The Purchaser must also pay particular attention to the following clauses.
Clause No. Description
720.1 Purchaser to phone the Contact Person listed to make pick up and viewing arrangements. Purchaser's showing up without making arrangements or appointments WILL BE TURNED AWAY.

All pallets and containers are the property of the Federal Government and will be retained by the Client Department upon pick up by the Purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for providing all labor for the loading of material. All pickups are to be started and completed during normal working hours, 0800 to 1200 and 1300 to 1500,(note the lunch break)Monday to Friday.
For information or an appointment to VIEW, please call the Contact listed.

It is the responsibility of the buyer to have proper equipment and suitable labor to pick up the items. If, in the opinion of the custodian, the equipment is unsafe (Van, Car, Truck, Trailer etc.) the custodian is within their rights to refuse the pickup or withdraw their assistance in loading.